Thursday, May 19, 2011



1. Adlerian Therapy
Teacher Lily I wanna go home now. My seatmates are pushing me away, they dont want me here.
Oh Charlie im sorry I cannot let you go home. I'll help you get in with them common.
The “as if” method. Let the pupils present a role play of their own sript about meeting new friends.
Feeling of community, feeling by reaching out to others through self-acceptance and an understanding of the task of life.
2. Psychoanalytic Therapy
Teacher Lily my seatmates are all copying my work were all having the same ideas I dont want to continue anymore.
Im pretty sure you can think of your own original version that is unique and different from others.
The “ projection” to blame others just to escape from responsibility especially in classroom activities.
To have a reconstructed personality. M oving the unconscious to the conscious.
3. Gestalt Therapy
Teacher, I cant make a beautiful artwork. I dont know how and I cannot color nicely. I dont think I can make it.
We all have our God given capabilities of doing things. Just like your classmates they also started from nothing, but look at them now they can make one already. Common I know you can also do the same.
The “ confrontation” What is happening within you that makes you feel that you cannot make beautiful artwork?
Completeness, high self-esteem, self responsibility, and self independence.
4. Existential Therapy
Teacher I am singing my favorite rhyme and my seatmates are getting mad of me. Why? Im just singing..
You are getting to annoy youre seatmates because of your loud voice. They are being disturb from doing their activity.
“ paradoxical intention”teacher will ask Sam to sing his song every now and then and dont stop unless told to.
Value of meaning and existence.
5. Person-Centered Therapy
Teacher, I want to play with the blocks rather work with them in the activity, im shy of them teacher,, they all look good except me..
Is there any problem with you joining them in the circle? Ok come here I have prepared a special group and a special activity for you im sure you will enjoy this..
“emphatic understanding” teacher converses in a way that he could enter child's world on his personal perspective.
To be in the true self.
6. Transactional Analysis
Teacher, please help me, I cant open my lunch box.
You can do that. Look you and Rey have the same launchbox. Observe how he will open.
The teacher set another pupils as example to the child who is telling that he is not able to open the launchbox.
The pupil will learn to achieve autonomy and become responsible for their own actions.
7. Behaviorism Therapy
Teacher, Jon kicked the tower of blocks I made.
Jon, pick up those blocks and build it again. I won't check your own work until you finish assembling those tower.
The teacher uses punishment to change the behavior of Jon. By giving consequenses for his behavior.
The child will avoid doing negative things to avoid future consequenses.
8. Interpersonal Therapy
Teacher , I always cry because my grandpa died. He was my favorite friend.

Yes, I always feel lonely.

I think he will fell sad because when he was alive, he always wants me happy.

Did the situation change you? All of us will die but in different time.

Do you think your granpa will be happy if he will be seeing you always crying?

Then. Try to be though he's gone.
The teacher ask what caused the child to behave in that way. The teacher help the chil;d to divert his feelings into a positive one.

The teacher may use story telling for the case like this.
The child will be able to cope with the problems of life by addressing the issue and from that, making an alternative solution for that.
9. Reality Therapy
Teacher, I don't want Oscar to be included in our group play.

Transfer him to another group or I'll transfer anyway. He bullied me before when we used to become neighbor before. Thanks they transferred their house.

I dont think so

Yes he did.
I have group you already and have chosen the specific roles for you.

What do you want to happen?

Do you think it will resolve the problem?

I've heared that he is asking for forgiveness.

Why dont you forgive him anyway. You will be needing each other for this activity. Give him a chance anyway. You will be staying together in this classroom for ten months. You can be friends now.

The teacher let the child explain his own story and ask for his point of view.
The teacher let not the child to think of the past instead faced the reality that he must forgive and that they are classmates.
The child will understand the fact that there will be a time he or she will be in a group and need each other company.
10. Rational Emotive Therapy
Teacher Lily may I find it really hard to ask for help in doing my art coloring activity.
We will have resolutions on your difficulty. Now I want you to follow this instruction that I will give you, starting tommorow you will have to ask for help in every activity that are we going to do ok. You will have to do this in 5 consecutive days.
The “action homework” teacher gives an assignment which make the child do the very thing he fears the most, involving some degree.
To become rational, to overcome challenge given by the teacher.

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