Wednesday, March 23, 2011





This theory perceives man as pecluliar beings. He is uniquely created. He is borned with positive characteristics which may be perceived negative in the case of other person and vice- versa. Along with these characteristics given is his FAITH that serves as a conditioning force that gives him positive mindsets towards resolution of conflicts and dillemas that comes his way. Whatever happens, no matter problem arises and no matter how big or small it is, GOD is always behind to help.


Maladaptive behavior emerges as man fails to identify himself. As he get confused with who he really is and what are the things he likes to have and he wants to accomplish. This is where conflicts begin to take place. And as bigger dillemas and great catastrophes happen, the confused man starts to loose his faith and himself in the middle of nowhere. Consequently getting into the point of denying the real situation, fearing of facing the truth, to the extent of blaming God for what is happening.


The goal of the therapy is to help client build a positive self identity. Guide him towards making clear identification of what he wants to happen to him and to his life as well. The therapy aims to make client strong in facing life situations, with deep path and positive outlook in life.


The role of the therapist under this approach is to serve as apowerful encouraging force that help client to restore the deteriorating FAITH in GOD. He is to help the client build self identity and establish goals to work out and achieve. Along with this is to make him realize that no dillema or even catostrophe is difficult if raging FAITH in GOD is kept within.


1. Simulation strategy:
This method is done parallel to the Modeling. Client is expected to the same situations he is encountering and letting him see the desired behavior that the therapist wants him to acquire. These may come in several means such as role playing, audio visual presentation, or even story telling of the same situation. All of these must be made sure by the therapist to have the desired learning outcome simulated and be absorbed by the client for personal application.
In line with this, it is more advised to used simulations which presents characters having quite near or most appropriately the same age, gender, social status as the clients.

Assesing the clients behavior is another method applicable. This where the therapist will do some sort of data collection concerningthe comflict or problem being encountered by the client. This is in order for the therapist to gather information about the problem as well as the client's personal view and bahavior about it. Assessment of the client can be done through interviews and questionares . This is to obtain relevant information that will lead the therapist a clear illustration of the problem and so as to apply the most appropriate intervention to apply.

Aside from the methods priorly discussed. Reward method could also be used , where the client is given some sort of tokens for every appropriate behavior being exhibited. Another is through Parable reading where the client could get inspirations and strenght of faith.

ASHLIEAN THERAPY could be appied in preschool for we all know that ECED children are delicate-minded and sensitive. It is good to instill in them the value of self- identity, strenght and faith as early as their age. For it will be a great help for them as they engage into heavier endeavors in life.

1 comment:

  1. hi sir hope ur still awake.. just got done with the therapy.. goodnyt..
